Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I had 2 interviews yesterday! The one for the school she really didnt interview any of us. She just talked about the position. You would start out as a sub and if something becomes permenant you can hopefully get that. You have to go threw alot also. Gotta go get a physical *which I go to on Friday*, then you gotta go back to get results. Then you gotta get finger printed. Then your name goes up in front of the board and you gotta get a stamp of approval!! So this one might take awhile. You also gotta join a union. The second one took like 3 minutes. All they really wanted to know if you were comfortable doing somethings and what days/hours you were available. I wouldnt wanna do what she said. There "sales" position isnt what I thought it was. I have another interview today and then another one tomorrow. I still wanna call up a few more places to see if there hiring and go fill some out. Also look online to places where I can put my resume in.

Jay started his job today. He has to go in at 4am. 4am wont be his usual hours. He just had to go in early today since there was a truck coming in. I am hoping the boss is in. Jay needs to talk to him about certain things. I talked to my aunt first about things since she also works at another Toys R Us and she said to have Jay talk to the boss. Its nothing bad though ^__^. He might have to look for another part-time for now also. It all depends really though. I will let you know the outcome. Hopefully though he wont have to get a second job. I think once the snow comes to NY he will be shoveling/plowing. Its not a definate yet but hes worked for the company before. It depends if they have enough people or not. Its $15 a hour so that would be a good thing.

I finished up making lucky stars. I made my own strips. I need money to buy some so I dont have to make my own. Today I hope to clean alotof the room. I need to do laundry. I want Jay to go up in the attic and get the totes down so I can look through them. I can probably throw somethings out and make room for new things I wanna put away. Its 6:30 am I thought it would have been light out by now but its not!!

Im off to do things!! Have a great day <333

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