Friday, March 20, 2009

Ive Been Sick......

For a dew days now. My throat hurts a little. Now my nose is stuffy and my chest is congested! I also have a bit of a headache.

Not much has been going on. Jay started a new job Monday. He works there until June unless they need him longer. I would love it they kept him but we wont know til June gets closer. He called my uncle about a PT security job. He goes and talks to him sometime in April. When I was talking to my uncle we were talking about something and I came up with lucky Jay will get to see free concerts *they will do security for concerts*. He can get me free tickets to almost any concert they do there. I was like oh now ya tell me. When I know the list of the concerts Im gonna tell him which ones I want tickets for. I dont know exactly how many I can get but I guess we will see.

My uncle is still in the hospital. He will be in there for at least 4 more months they think. So he should be getting out around July. He still cant walk. Still dont know if he will. Hopefully there is a miracle and he will be able to.

My friends mother almost died 4 times this past week :(. She flat lined 4 times but they got her back. Jen told me yesterday that they took her off sedation and she was doing alot better. Hopefully she will have some more good news today. She will have a long recovery but at least she is still here with everyone. It is not her time to go.

Dont have no big plans for the weekend. We usually go to my parents for dinner/cards. Not tonight though. My brother has to go to a class and then work. We might go up for a little while but not sure yet. I think me and Jay might go out to dinner tonight or tomorrow. We still have 1 gift card left from Christmas so we will just use that. It wont cover it all so we will have to pay the rest. And we might also go to the movies. Gotta see if theres anything playing we wanna see. Other than that no clue what were doing.

I should get going and pick up a little. Jay asked if I would clean some more of the room. I just wish I had a place to put everything. I cant wait for the day that we have our own place! It wil be 100x better.

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